Behind her porcelain expression is a myriad of emotions, each more complex than the last. From a single sheet of paper, she is folded into faces and edges and points, the borders of each intricacy delineating a new state from what was once singular. All this born of her mouth that forms one straight line — of her eyes that are perfect circles. The simplest of shapes collapsing into themselves, transforming into something new.


AGE Early 20s
GENDER Female (she/her)
RACE Veena Viera
HEIGHT 5' 10" / 182cm
HOMETOWN Rabanastre
RESIDENCE The Goblet, Thanalan
NAMEDAY 6th Sun of the 6th U.M.
MARITAL STATUS With Mynatrach Aistrachwyn
VOICE CLAIM Valarqvin (Maya Lindh)
LIKES History, aetherology, coffee, cloudy days, thorough debate, exploring ruins and artifacts, making decisions, control, long periods of work, tradition, order.DISLIKES Small talk, unnecessary noise, sour sweets, boisterous animals, the Garlean empire, slang, a lack of progress, change, Viera with city names.


★★★★★ Dalmascan
★★★★☆ Garlean
★★★★☆ Eorzean Common
★★☆☆☆ Hingan
★★☆☆☆ Doman


Serious, sophisticated and stoic with oddities abound, Signe is an impenetrable enigma. If you can get past her unapologetic silence, blunt attitude, and intrusive curiosity, you'll find her mind to be a landscape of unique ideas and evolving thoughts. Past that, she hides a deep-seated anger with the injustices of the world that she loathes to let obstruct her rational approach to life.


The greatsword that serves as her mantle is carved from dark metal, accented in gold and houses a soul crystal at its center. Though it seems too large for someone of her apparent willowy build, she carries it with ease upon her regardless.Darkness is her bread and butter, a will she draws from her deepest recesses; those with sensitivity to aether would notice its slumber within her despite her ever stoic expressions, as well as the makings of a soul within her chosen weapon.


Wavy, obsidian black hair moving in strong tides frames a porcelain face in side-swept bangs. Under the frayed curtains of Signe's fringe, her piercing magenta gaze starkly contrasts the pale skin on which it is painted. Some traits denote youth and vitality: even skin without wrinkles, a smooth and lithe voice, and lean musculature, rarely glimpsed. Some traits denote age and wear: grey circles under the eyes, masked in smoky make-up, and a sharp angular face on the cusp of being gaunt. She is unmistakably Vieran, with her considerable stature, smudged nose and leporine ears of curled fur.She dresses darkly, casting a shadow with her silhouette wherever she goes. Her gothic fashion is a thing of frills, ribbons, elaborate hemming and the color black. Even in heat, her choices bother her naught — a simple problem solved with a parasol.


Keld and Vendela Ymir defied the Green Word to establish a new life in the Royal City of Rabanastre. Living for centuries thereafter, they earned nobility in Dalmasca's capital and bore an heiress: Signe.Signe grew up in the scholarly halls of Rabanastre. Outside of them, her parents taught her of life in the Skatay Range. Supporting other Vieran immigrants, she spent many of her teen years organizing private cultural events in Rabanastre — a practice that seldom saw light under Garlean rule.Keld and Vendela sent Signe west as a refugee, bidding she find the freedom that she'd been denied prior — the Barheim Incident saw Keld and Vendela executed alongside rebels despite their strict personal code of impartiality to politics.Finding herself in Ul'dah, Signe started an anthropological research project on the 7th Umbral Calamity and its sociocultural impact on Eorzea. Her then research partner, now lover, Mynatrach Aistrachwyn was a pillar to the investigation as it developed.This project saw plenty of auxiliary research under its name, including a trip to the Great Gubal Library, where Signe discovered her unique greatsword and pursued martial training.The research project briefly disbanded, but has returned in full force with a seemingly new, more focused purpose, though that itself is unclear.

anthropologist, aetherologist

Signe is an adept linguist, cultural researcher, aetherologist, and historian. While her primarily decided remit concerns a personal project, her curiosity often gets the better of her existing workload. Signe is curious to learn of unique or mysterious aetherial phenomena especially.

rabanastran refugee

When Signe was in Rabanastre, she had made a name for herself as a prominent second-generation immigrant. A prodigy of a prestigious academic institute, a proponent of Vieran cultural events right under the Empire's nose — all achieved in her teen years. In Eorzea, this has all been lost to time...

dark knight and company

An impressive and expertly crafted greatsword is often strapped to Signe's back. It often suits her ill; her lean form denotes little combat prowess, and the weapon accompanies her even on casual outings. Astute individuals may spot the glint of a soul crystal, embedded into the hilt of her implement.

nosy nobody

Whether it's the intricacies of contemporary Ishgardian fashion, the philosophy of Triple Triad, or the history of Limsan fishing techniques, Signe can become enthralled by others' passions if they're presented as a complex and rich system. Expect to be subject to a plethora of staring and questions.

common rumor

Though Signe's conversations lack in expression, passers-by have oft found her sitting alone, engaging in a fervent debate with herself. In combination with her standoffish behavior, this practice hasn't put her in the best graces with her peers, who consider her a talented, but concerningly eccentric scholar.

rare rumor

Only among other Rabanastran refugees. Signe's bloodline once passed down the lost art of black magic. They did not openly practice this technique, and neither does Signe in the present day. In fact, she is not even a thaumaturge. Is this mere hearsay?

uncommon rumor

The 7th Umbral Calamity research project which saw months of lull among scholarly gossip has now resurged with a new purpose. Signe is rumored to be seeking new paid participants for interviews themed around culture and history, as well as retainers to help gather research resources for this ever-terse historian.


★★★★★ World History
★★★★☆ Cultural Studies
★★★☆☆ Aetherology
★★★☆☆ Traditional Dance
★★☆☆☆ Melee Combat

brand blackheart

AGE 45 years at death
GENDER Male (he/him)
RACE Highlander Hyur
CLASS Dark Knight
LIKES Combat arts, dry humor, whiskey, mild evenings, liberty, challenging conversations, snow, giving critique, one liners, good craftsmanship, war songs.DISLIKES Politics, aetherological theory, the Garlean empire, etiquette systems, injustice, oppression, puzzle solving, social isolation, being called a sword.

The soul of Signe's sentient sword, Brand Blackheart is a deceased man preserved. After serving as an Ala Mhigan soldier, Brand retired from his post to become a retainer to a scholar of the Sharlayan Colony, whose exodus he followed. A venture sending him to the Great Gubal Library took his life. Signe found him with a weapon lodged in his midsection, adorned with a soul crystal; rather than returning to the Lifestream, his soul resided within.When in Signe's vicinity, Brand's voice can communicate with her telepathically. If she provides him with her aether, his voice can be amplified to others, or his form can be made manifest in a shroud of darkness.


Hey! Thank you for reading Signe's profile. If you want to learn more about me, please check out my OOC profile:

While Signe is for the most part a lore-abiding character, she possesses some lore-bending aspects that will only come up in private and consenting RP, such as (but not limited to) her sentient weapon. While all of it is based in existing lore, it is of a rarer nature than most people in Hydaelyn experience.

This is not with the intent of power play or godmodding, but rather for the purpose of exploring the lore in new and interesting ways. I will never force roleplay partners to interact with lore-bending outside of their boundaries — this is a completely optional aspect of interacting with Signe.I'm not looking for ERP or a new romantic relationship for Signe. Instead, I'd like to write interesting long-term plot lines that develop our characters alongside each other platonically. If this interests you, please feel free to contact me via /tell or my Discord!